[accordion title=”Armor Nano Technology 33205 Roll Box Bearing Test” icon=”align-left” state=”open” style=”boxed” group=”Solutions” id=”Solutions” class=”Solutions”]

Industry: Steel Production

Bearing: 33205 Roll Box Bearing; grease cleaned out.

Test: Armor Nano treated bearings put into normal production application to see how compares to current bearing life.

Test Results of Armor Treated Bearing: 33205 Roll Box Bearing, normally changed after each campaign, lasted up to 6 campaigns after treatment. Considerable cost savings realized on both parts and maintenance costs.


[accordion title=”Armor Nano Technology 6212-Z Bearing Test” icon=”align-left” state=”closed” style=”boxed” group=”Solutions” id=”Solutions” class=”Solutions”]

Industry: Steel Production

Bearing: 6212-Z (60 x 110 x 22) One shield removed and grease cleaned out.

Test: 60 pcs of a 6212-Z bearing were removed of grease and treated with Armor Nano technology. Four bearings were assembled into 2 rollers and attached to swing arm that is used to push product to cooling tables.

Test Results of Armor Treated Bearing: After 4-6 months of testing it the process proved that bearing life was extended. Over the two year time period, maintenance was reduced from 4x a year down to 2x and the bearing usage was cut in half. The resulted savings realized, accounted for approximately $100,000 annually. This is due to not having to change as many assemblies when a bearing fails.


[accordion title=”Armor Nano Technology Testimonials” icon=”align-left” state=”closed” style=”boxed” group=”Solutions” id=”Solutions” class=”Solutions”]

  1. Our AT30 Rockmaster tool has many components that have made it a success. None are more important than the Armor Bearing Nano Technology treatment that has essentially doubled the life of the bearings in the tool. Since we began exclusively using this process for the AT30 Rockmaster tool, our customers have been extremely pleased with the results.
  2. Thank you for helping with the bearing problem on our extruder motors. Normally we would install a matched set of bearings exceeding $500 on these motors and only getting a few months of life out of them. With the Armor Bearing Nano Technology introduced on a standard set of bearings, we have exceeded more than a year and bearing are still performing today without failure, and a greatly reduced initial cost.
  3. The Armor Bearing Nano Technology process has been beneficial by increasing bearing life and saving time and money by eliminating the need to grease bearings. We also avoid marking the finished product with dripping grease in high heat applications.


1539 Hunter Rd. Unit B
Hanover Park, IL 60133